For most homeowners today, their first step to victory was searching online as almost everyone in the world does today in order to purchase something. If searching for a property online was that easy, why haven’t you found your property yet? In this article, we will share some common mistakes people make while searching for a property online.


Searching for a property online can lessen the burden of driving from place to place in search of a property to rent or to buy and all the while, searching in a vacuum. An online market provides you with an array of properties in almost every location possible in Ghana. So how can you make good use of this opportunity? A few questions to ask yourself:

  1. What type of property am I looking for?
  2. How many bedrooms do I need?
  3. How many bathrooms should it have?
  4. Which community do I want to live in?
  5. How much am I willing to pay as monthly rent?

Try answering these questions as you type in the search engine and avoid wasting all the time going through properties you really do not need. This is one of the simplest things to do yet most people miss it and end up frustrated in their search.


It is common to find names and contacts on a real estate portal, call them only to realize that the amount they have to pay for the property they are enquiring about is northeast of the asking price. Sometimes, this happens when people get carried away in their search and begin to admire properties with beautiful designs and modern features that cost thrice as much as what they are willing to offer. When you get online to search for a property, don’t get carried away by the niceties, stick to what you can afford and avoid wasting your time and the agent’s time as well. Unless of course you are window-shopping, this is another way to say, you’re your budget and stick to it.


Yes, we did mention in the preceding point that there is a need for you to know your budget just so you don’t spend the whole time looking at houses beyond what you can afford. Here, we want to say that, don’t restrict yourself to the exact amount you have whilst making a search. This can be tricky but this is advised because If one can afford GHS 300,000 only and puts that exact amount in the search engine, all properties below that price will come at you which also gives you a limited range to consider but if you can type in GHS 350,000, that opens you up to more options and who knows? A possible negotiation with the owner of the property could also work in your favor.


This is one of the most important keys in searching for the property you want. Has it happened that you tried searching for a property online, came across a few and contacted the agent marketing the property; happy that you have found someone to tell you more about the property only to realize that the agent does not have enough information as you would want? Well, don’t blame the agent, that may not be his field. What most people searching for properties online do not know is that most real estate agents specialize. And whether they tell you or not, you would need to ask a few questions to know whether you are in the right hands or not. The best way to make your search a success is to check the type of properties listed by the agent. Without asking, you would be able to tell whether you are looking at a condo expert or a 5-bedroom luxury home expert. You cannot take chances on this one especially if you are buying.

Why would we suggest this article to anyone searching for a property online? Time and Money! Yes, no need to waste your time because you didn’t search properly or waste money because you just paid for what you found first. Avoid these mistakes and benefit from your online search.

This is for informational and educational purposes only. This article does not constitute personal advice, nor does it take into account individual circumstances. If you are in doubt, please seek further independent advice. All information and research produce by Housing Fair Online is intended to be general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation or offer for the purchase or sale of any house or a construction related activity nor should it be construed as such. All of the views or suggestions expressed are presented to best of the author’s knowledge. Any person relying on this article or planning to spend money because of this article should seek further professional advice. Housing Fair online will not accept any responsibility for the use of this information.

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