Finding a decent place, you can call home in Accra can be a bit unnerving especially if you decide to do without the help of a real estate agent. The simple but incredibly difficult question is where to start from. 

From prime areas to developing communities, houses spread about like goods in the market; the only thing is, they either have owners or cannot be owned, lol. In today’s article, we want to attempt to put together some common frustrations that people face when searching for a property. Let us know what you have experienced lately.


Did you ever imagine that a bad road could change your mood, even if the house you are looking at seems to fit your specifications? Well yeah, in reality, discovering that the journey to your home from work will be a bumpy painstaking ride will make you lose interest immediately in the house you’ve just seen. It may be a good match, but the location disqualifies it. If you had your way, you would carry the house with you to a better location. But we both know things do not work that way. Not only is the road such a huge turnoff but after a close look around, you don’t see any life in the neighborhood. The property offers you the opportunity to share walls with garbage on one side and wooden stalls on the other. At this point, you are not sure this is the right neighborhood to live in.


You are on a house search; you’ve given it all you can. You’ve gone from place to place and seen different houses then you finally see one in a good location. The house looks good on the outside and the road is just perfect but you enter the house and you are greatly disappointed. The rooms are too small, the number of bathrooms does not match the number of bedrooms, the kitchen cabinets are broken, the caretaker has his clothes and utensils all over the place, the entire house needs some repairs and you just can’t believe your eyes! You are asking yourself, ‘Is this house really up for rent? How come the house look so good on the outside but really disappointing inside? It seems the property owner doesn’t have plans of renting it out immediately.’ You make your way out and carry on with your search, this time, extra careful. 


Does it really matter whether the house has an electronic fence, a row of barbed wires or a security camera? What if the walls are too short and welcomes robbers? And the windows aren’t burglar proof? These are often realities on ground when finding a new home. You could find a good-looking house but with no assurance of security. The most irksome part of this situation is when the property owner or caretaker keeps insisting that you would be safe and secure in such a neighborhood as though your eyes are viewing something different from theirs. Sometimes, the property owner may even promise to do some changes to ensure your safety but obviously, these words cannot be trusted as the day money changes hands all other promises will be forgotten. 


You have finally seen a house that looks great. The location is perfect, the high walls, barbed wires and well-manicured lawn is driving you crazy. The road leading to the property is well-tarred with a well-thought off drainage system. Obviously, you will expect that every other part of the house would be perfect. But to your utmost surprise, the kitchen is so small and very outmoded. There are no kitchen cabinets to store your utensils and other appliances. You are presented with yellow patches on the wall informing you of water leakages and untreated walls. You are just so disappointed; you wonder why every other thing looks perfect but the kitchen is just not the best. This could be a serious turnoff and every other beauty before the kitchen is forgotten.

Having said all these, it is important to understand that every property has its own value and is priced with that understanding. If perhaps, you dream of living in an apartment with modern kitchen fixtures and bathroom wares, you probably should have the right budget to match your request.  In our next article, we will talk about the correlation between a budget, location and type of property.

This is for informational and educational purposes only. This article does not constitute personal advice, nor does it take into account individual circumstances. If you are in doubt, please seek further independent advice. All information and research produce by Housing Fair Online is intended to be general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation or offer for the purchase or sale of any house or a construction related activity nor should it be construed as such. All of the views or suggestions expressed are presented to best of the author’s knowledge. Any person relying on this article or planning to spend money because of this article should seek further professional advice. Housing Fair online will not accept any responsibility for the use of this information.

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